Why Datrixo?

As a holding firm, Datrixo owns a portfolio of biotech/ deep-tech companies. We launched and scale 2 venture clusters in high-growth bio-tech sectors.

Datrixo Portfolio Companies Are Backed By Our Team Experience.

Early-stage deep-tech opportunity in high-growth biotech sectors, but more de-risked in terms of product-market-fit in comparison with other early stage portfolios.

Very unlike other deep-tech companies, our companies work on real commercial progress. For us the real income is a proxy for a proof-of-concept of  the deep-tech viability.

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Datrixo is a holding firm. We scale the AI/biotech companies.

Who We Are?

Datrixo is a venture holding and a builder. The holding’ value increases when its portfolio’s value increases.  All holding’s owners & investors can realize new profit by selling their equity at any moment as DRX.

Commercializing the AI

We focus on industries where application of AI is a key to enable solution for a large-scale market problem. Datrixo is able to prototype new solution fast. This is because our team has deep understanding of tech combined with hands-on experience in numerous projects building tech-based business solutions for clients.

The Process


We identify new opportunity & prototype solution. After it was successfully validated by the live market, we are ready to scale a new standalone company via acquisitions & arbitrage. Datrixo supports new company until it has secured outside investment or until its valuation has grown high enough to realize the profit.

Current Portfolio


Our “post-Covid” cohort includes companies that were incubated before the crisis, are at the post-prototype stage and ready for scale due to the increased demand. The companies will be positioned for further rounds of investment at higher valuations than the current nominal portfolio valuations.

Bio-Tech/ Life Sciences (The Portfolio is Open for Investment)

Longevity AI & Products Marketplace

The longevity-focused company. We develop new tools & products to predict & manage individual’s bio-age.


Smart Lunch Delivery Assistants

An AI-powered lunch delivery app that automates meal selection, ordering and delivery in one easy workflow.


Specialized Health K-Engines

(Vertical) search and recommendation (knowledge) engines for specialized health conditions.



Global ID

Smart Health Profiling and Social Network

Reinventing online social networking based on smart multi-granular profiling.


Crypto Trading

Crypto Markets Intelligence

A real-time “Telegram” AI bot that has ability to analyze trade exchange data to derive a price for major cryptos.


Stealth Portfolio

Bio-Tech/ Life Sciences (Portfolio is Open for Investment)

Capital Markets on a Blockchain

(Stealth) Cross-Border Payment Network

(Stealth) Probalistic Search

(Stealth) Wellness AI – Digital Twin

(Stealth) Self-Managing Agents (UAVs)