AI: Making the Promise a Reality

AI: Making the Promise a Reality

We offer products for deploying AI faster along with opportunities for R&D. We provide services in the emerging gen AI tech stack that surrounds the FM.

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We offer an Applied Gen AI solution architecture and a quick infrastructure set-ups.  Once all is ready, you can chose AI methods & models most suitable for your case or we can help with model selection and engineering.

New Models Training


We design and pre-train new models (FM) of any size with fully managed infrastructure. 



We “fine-tune” open-source models for any use case from data pipeline design to model monitoring and infrastructure provisioning.

AI Architecture


The AI Architecture consulting services to help clarify your needs, design the AI solution and scope the level of development efforts.

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AI Infrastructure


Set up the technology infrastructure specific for your anticipated use of AI. You will need an environment where you can prototype the solution, experiment with models and scale up to production use.

Data Set-up


Select sources, gather all data related to the future solution, clean, enrich, stream, convert into the unified format and mark with the metadata tags from the related domain.



Once all is ready, you will need to define the suitable AI method. You can use open source algorithms, bring your own, or choose our service. We help with method selection and algorithm engineering.

AI Ventures

We leverage proprietary technology to incubate AI companies. We accelerate their growth with investments. Datrixo owns a portfolio of biotech/ companies. 

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Why Datrixo?

As a holding firm, Datrixo owns a portfolio of biotech/ deep-tech companies. We launched, hold and grow 2 venture clusters in high-growth bio-tech sectors.

Datrixo Portfolio Companies Are Backed By Our Team Experience.

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Early-stage deep-tech opportunity in high-growth biotech sectors, but more de-risked in terms of product-market-fit in comparison with other early stage portfolios.

Very unlike other deep-tech companies, our companies work on real commercial progress. For us the real income is a proxy for a proof-of-concept of  the deep-tech viability.

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Products – Empowering Your Business With AI

To keep up with competition today, businesses need scalable AI solutions.  Datrixo offers frameworks for deploying AI faster from smart assistants to smart tagging.

Predictive Systems

Develop a non-biased assistants across any domain with our platform for data processing & curation.

Smart Search

With our reference framework, you can discover insights within data dynamically and at scale.

Reinforcement Learning

You can train your models faster with our proprietary MARL framework for accelerated training.

Selected Portfolio Projects

Datrixo is a technology and growth venture portfolio. Our investors can choose to invest “traditionally” or via the optional liquidity feature — the equity security (token) called DRX backed by our portfolio companies and assets. The DRX equity “tokens” are issued according to both SEC rules and SEC recent innovations on capital markets.

Decentralized Cap Market Platform

The first-of-its-kind platform where a company equity is split into digital shares and offered up to buyers via the app-based “smart” exchange.

Personalized Smart Assistants

A “Pandora”- like on-demand food recommendation and delivery in “one-click” personalized by person & location.

Crypto Assets Monitoring

An AI bot with ability to derive price signals for major digital tokens by tracking price actions on major exchanges and blockchain networks.


  • Solution Design

  • Agile Prototyping

  • AI & ML

  • DL

  • Data & BI

  • DB, Graph DB

  • AWS

  • Blockchain Tech

  • Blockchain dApps

  • R&D

  • AI Enabling New Biz Models

  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Scalable Storage for Multi-petabyte Apps


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Applied AI Solutions by Datrixo

The landscape for software app development is complex these days — with a mix of legacy systems, universe of SaaS-based tools, silos of data sources, new technology and everything in between. For a business entity its difficult to keep up with that landscape which restrict their ability to compete and grow.

At Datrixo, working with our clients, we help navigate that complexity. We use mixed approach utilizing both consulting & a suit of tech products. We start with the consulting designing your solution. That allows you to make sure that you build the unique solution. We then help imagine your application landscape – a  landscape of products & data & code that you can utilize to speedup and standardize the development process.

Utilizing the available resources helps build your working prototype with speed and agility. You will have a working app at no time while being sure you are innovating, that you will realize your business value and that you will stay competitive by scaling the system.

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